Thursday, August 28, 2008

Children with Borders

In this electronic age and with things like the Amazon Kindle how can a brick and mortar bookstore be relevant? It's one thing for a middle-aged guy like me to like going into a bookstore to peruse the latest arrivals and have a cuppa joe even if I like to buy things electronically and immediately on my Kindle. It's another when you realize that there are a fair number of 20-somethings and even the younger set are seen in Borders storese (by me at least) all the time. And with younger people staffing it as well.

While it is evident that many companies are struggling in these difficult economic times how does Borders deliver a good customer experience? For one thing Borders does a good job of sending coupons via email to drive store traffic. Again, often enough but not TOO often. The stores sell music, magazines, videos and have areas for children and adults to chill while they either shop, read, watch, listen eat or drink. They are delivering both Customer Controlled Communications as well as a customer focused experienced. While the bookstore of the past may never return, here's hoping that Borders lives long and prospers.

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