Sunday, November 30, 2008

Twitter highlights Citizen Journalism in India

When the terrorists struck on November 26th in Mumbai news media feeds and reports were sketchy at best. The tweets that came out first were real time and as it turns out accurate reports as to what was going on moment-by-moment as more than 170 people would ultimately perish.

I have commented that mundane things like 'what am are you doing right now' will possibly choke the growth of Twitter as followers may drown in a sea of irrelevant information. But on the other hand what happened in Mumbai is a fantastic illustration of how social networking combined with Citizen Journalism can be completely relevant and important all at the same time.

There's a certain amount of faith that has to be laid out to start with regard to the person tweeting. But once that person develops a following and as such a reputation for truth and genuine content, the immediacy of Twitter will supplant any 'news' feed since it will not be filtered by an editor.

If the future of Twitter is to be an immediate and relevant source of information on topics of importance (subjective) and interest (doubly subjective!) long live Twitter and Tweets!

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